The Keto Diet 101 — Healthy Passenger

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The Keto Diet 101

The Keto Diet 101

Everyone at some point of time must have tried losing weight by following those numerous crazy diets available on the internet.

Well, I was no different!! Without proper research, I tried out a lot of different diets. In fact in my desperation to lose weight, I ended up paying a good amount of money to a dietitian, only to realize that my diet was nothing more but a modified version of the popular General Motors (GM) diet (1985).

I did lose weight but I also lost my energy levels and health with all the weight. That's not it!! The weight that I had worked so hard to lose was not ready to leave me and came back to me as soon as I stopped following the plans. Nonetheless, I made it a point to undergo thorough research before just randomly looking up the next popular diet on the internet and following it.

One of the most popular diet that is making people go crazy all over the world is the Ketogenic diet (Keto Diet), a low carb, moderate protein, and high-fat diet.


A high-fat diet to lose fat !!! Sounds crazy right? A few years back this would have been considered stupid but the bad image that fats once held is now slowly fading away. The keto diet itself is not a new discovery. In fact, it was developed way back in the 1920s to cure epileptic children. The diet not only reduced the number of seizures but also led to weight loss in the children suffering from epilepsy.

Before jumping onto any conclusion in favour or against this diet let’s first examine what this diet is all about.

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The Science Behind Keto Diet- Ketosis

The main focus of the keto diet is on reducing carbs and increasing fats. Most conventional diets follow the same strategy of reducing carbs however, they do not increase fat intake. That is why most people give up on them after some time. Why? For those who are not aware, carbs are the fuel that runs our body and mind. That's why when you go on a low carb diet you tend to feel tired and cranky because you are depriving your body of this fuel. Carbs on oxidation produce glucose which is used by body and brain for energy and glycogen which is stored in the liver as body fat and used in an emergency situation like starvation.

So, what is different with keto? Fats make all the difference. That’s because fats are a better source of energy for our brain and body than carbs. The “keto” in the ketogenic diet refers to ketones which are the small fuel molecules the body produces by burning fat. They are an alternative fuel source for the body used when blood sugar (glucose) is in short supply. When the body produces ketones it enters a metabolic state called ketosis.

There are two ways to enter ketosis, either you go on a life-long fast or follow the keto diet. Ketones are produced only if you eat very few carbs (that are quickly broken down into blood sugar and consumed by the body) and only moderate amounts of protein (excess protein can also be converted to body fat).

On a ketogenic diet, your entire body switches its fuel supply to run mostly on fat, burning fat 24*7. When insulin levels become very low, fat burning can increase dramatically. It becomes easier to access your fat stores to burn them off (1). This is great if you’re trying to lose weight

Ketones produce more energy per unit of oxygen than glucose. So you will have the advantage of losing fat like in other low carb diets without getting all cranky and tired instead your brain will be more focused. In the absence of carbs, fats are the second most preferred macro nutrient that the body will tend to breakdown for energy followed by protein.

Fats including body fat on oxidation produce BHB (used as energy), acetone (ketone), and acetoacetate (excreted as urine).                                      

So, ketogenic diet actually changes your entire metabolism from working on carbs now your body is working on fats. Sounds scary!!! But does this mean ketogenic diet is unnatural???

Well, mild ketosis occurs in your body even when you are not on the ketogenic diet. According to studies fasting and lactation causes mild ketosis. Ketosis also occurs when your body is starving, in absence of any external source of energy, the body starts using its own fat to keep you alive. But please guys, don't starve yourself to enter ketosis or to lose that spare fat belt, you just need to maintain the right ratio.

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The Keto Ratio

The key to any successful diet is planning. Keep planning and executing until you reach your ideal weight and then work it out to maintain that.

Ketogenic diet was a scientifically designed diet so if you are thinking that just lowering carbs and increasing fats mindlessly will help you, my advice is please don't even think of trying it.

Typically, in ketogenic diet carbs are limited to 20 grams per day but I would suggest that you gradually lower your carbs from 50 grams to 20 grams per day. Your plan should ensure that the following ratio is maintained

  • Carbs ~ 5-10 % of total calorie intake (~20 to 30 g/day)

  • Protein ~ 15-20% of total calorie intake

  • Fat ~ 60-75% of total calorie intake

Now, for all the foodies reading this, following the ratio does not mean that there is no limit on your total calorie intake. Try to maintain your total calorie intake at 1500 per day for beginning, you can gradually lower it down.

So now you are ready to make your own keto plans.

But how will you know your body is on ketosis and is producing ketones?

For those who have struggled with math their entire life, please work on it and get your ratios right. If I am asking a lot, you can go for a urine or blood test and for those who would rather gain a few kgs than going for a urine or blood test, just smell your breath, ketones produce a fruity smell also called the 'Keto Breath'.

Now you know the entire science behind ketogenic diet but you must be thinking, is it this great?? Are there no side-effects?? We’ll see that in a moment.

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Keto Diet and Weight Loss

A ketogenic diet has proved to be an effective way to lose weight and improve health. (2, 3). In fact, the ketogenic diet is far superior to a conventional low-fat diet (4). Triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels also improve with this diet. (5).

There are several reasons why a ketogenic diet is superior to a low-fat diet, including the increased protein intake diet, which provides numerous benefits (6). The increased ketones, lower blood sugar levels, and improved insulin sensitivity may also play a key role. (7)

Keto Diet and Diabetes

As mentioned earlier, carbs are broken down by our body to form glucose and glycogen. So when you eat there is a sudden spike in your blood glucose level or what we commonly call blood sugar level. To control this sudden rise, the pancreas secretes insulin which helps our body to absorb this high blood sugar and normalize the blood sugar level.

In a diabetic patient either your pancreas produces no insulin (Type-1 diabetes) or it does not produce enough insulin to normalize blood sugar level (Type-2 diabetes). In the case of ketogenic diet even though you are not taking enough carbs but still there is a rise in your blood sugar because fats and amino acids also release some glucose on oxidation. In a Type-1 diabetic patient where there is no insulin production, the body starts making ketones at an alarming rate to lower the blood glucose leading to acidification of blood also called ketoacidosis. If the patient is following ketogenic diet it further increases the production of ketones and may worsen the condition making it life-threatening.

However in the case of Type-2 diabetes, the response is quite different. The ketogenic diet can help you lose excess fat, which is closely linked to type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome (8, 9, 10).

One study found that the ketogenic diet improved insulin sensitivity by 75% (11). Another study in people with type 2 diabetes found that 7 of the 21 participants were able to stop using all diabetes medications (12).

Note: Ketones are acidic in nature. However, nutritional ketosis cannot reach the level of ketones which can cause acidification of the blood.

I would suggest that before going on the diet, it is important to consult a nutritionist or dietitian. Having discussed all the negatives now let's move on to the positives of Ketogenic Diet.

What Research Says ??

There have been many studies to see the effect of the ketogenic diet on our body and mind. Studies have successfully shown that Ketogenic Diet can lead to -

  • High HDL level / good cholesterol

  • Low LDL / bad cholesterol

  • Weight loss

  • Stabilized blood sugar

  • More focused brain

However, ketosis is a complex process and is still under research but the diet has been proved safe for a short or moderate term.

If you have made up your mind to give the keto diet a try, then let me warn you with some of the most common mistakes that people make while following it.

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Common Mistakes

1. Not Being Mentally Prepared

Ketogenic Diet is a difficult diet to follow especially when you have grown up hearing that eating fats is the main reason you are not able to fit in your jeans that you bought just a few months back. Making fats an essential and major part of your diet when you have always tried to avoid them can be difficult initially.

2. Losing Patience

You might not get results for the first 3-4 weeks because your body will take its time to adapt to this change in metabolism. Just remember that patience is the key to a slim waist.

3. Wrong Ratios

It is very important that your keto ratio is correct. All three macros carbs, fats and proteins are equally important, taking the right amount for all three forms the base of this particular diet.

4. Not Taking Supplements

Your body will lose salts and minerals at a faster rate during ketosis. So supplements must be included in your plan, especially for sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

5. Dehydration

This is the basic rule for not only ketogenic diet but for every other diet, keep yourself hydrated. Drink at least 3-4 liters of water daily.

6. Eat Real food

Don't go for processed food even if it says 'Low Carb' or 'No Carb'. Eat healthy and good saturated fats and eat enough protein, not just the fat protein.

7. Net Carbs or Total Carbs?

Total carbs = Net carbs + fibers

There are different approaches to this some studies suggest counting total carbs and others suggest net carbs. I would advise you to keep your net carbs around ~ 20 to 30 g/day.

8. Exercise

According to studies, you will lose weight even if you are not working out. But if you do workout go for weight training or cardio while on ketogenic diet, avoid HIIT and cross training.

9. Not Knowing Your Body

Some people might not lose weight even after a month and some might lose it very easily. Everyone has a different body which responds differently. Try to understand how your body responds and identify your carb limit. Gradually move down from 50 g/day and find out when your body reaches ketosis.

10. Abruptly Entering or Leaving Ketogenic Diet

Just like you don't enter ketosis instantly should not get out of it suddenly if you want to leave it. Allow a gradual change once you decide to move back to your normal eating pattern.

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Side-effects Of Keto Diet

1. Keto-flu

This is probably the most common side-effect of the ketogenic diet. Once you start the diet for the first 3-4 weeks you might experience nausea, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, craving, etc.
You need to be patient during this time, your body is in the transition state as you are changing your entire metabolism. So it will take some time to adapt to this new metabolic state but the flu will pass after 3-4 weeks.

2. Constipation

This is also only a temporary side-effect due to a change in your eating pattern. Once your body adapts you will start feeling better.

3. Loss of Salts

Since your body is now using the stored fat to release energy during this process it will release water and you will start losing your body salts and minerals like sodium, magnesium, etc at a faster rate along with urine and might experience cramps. The best solution to avoid this is by keeping yourself hydrated and take supplements, especially for sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

  • Ketogenic diet can be very dangerous for people who have a tendency to form kidney stones.

  • It can also be life-threatening for diabetics ( Type-1) patients.

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Foods To Avoid

Any high carb food should be avoided. Keep away from:

  • Sugary foods

  • Grains or starches: Wheat-based products, rice, cereal, etc.

  • Fruits

  • Beans or legumes

  • Root vegetables and tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, etc.

  • Low-fat or diet products

  • Unhealthy Fats

  • Alcohol

Foods You Should Eat

  • Meat

  • Fatty fish

  • Eggs

  • Butter and cream

  • Unprocessed cheese

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Healthy oils: Primarily extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil.

  • Low-carb veggies: Most green veggies, tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc.


Lastly, let's get one thing straight, even though the ketogenic diet is great there is still plenty of research needed to establish it as completely safe and effective. Moreover, we don’t know what the long-term effects of this diet are.

You can definitely give this diet a try but if it doesn't work for you remember this is not the only diet, eating right and working out will still remain the most successful and lasting lifestyle.

Feel free to browse through my other health tips. Follow me on Instagram to get your daily dose of health tips.

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